Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Tomorrow I'll be leaving for Kuantan and only will be back on end of the month. The reason for me to be there is to attend a Meditation course (Vippasana). This course was inspired by my yoga teacher (Sifu), Jazamine. I herd from her and got to know this course from her too. After knowing it, I'm very keen to go because I can improve myself and also get my mind sharper? I hope so.

At there, we will not be allowed to have any kind of communication...not even talking to each other or eye contact except for asking a few question. Other than that, we should observe silence and meditate throughout the day for 10days.

I'm quite sure I can do it because I mentally prepared myself for more than half year already!! I hope I can....I can survive throughout the whole course...=)
I will try to write up the experience and whatever I've benefited from there once I come back...Hope it's a great one!

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