Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I could say that this piece of news are new and everyone should be aware of this!! Maybe it's meant for me to see this piece of news from the paper. Usually I wont flip so many pages before class, but since today is a raining day, I reached college very early. Yeah..I'm early because my mom dropped me to college and my class was on 1030am. I reached college at about 9.15 am.
Since it's still early, and The Sun is still available at the Student Affairs Department (SAD), so I took it to update myself with the current news. Guess what I saw??

When I saw this headline...and it made me feel crazy! It is so ridiculous to do random checking on people's house!! Is it that they are too free and has nothing better to do???
Are those police officers forgetting all the rape cases, murder cases, robbery cases, etc?? They have such time to do this?? I'm really wondering...really wondering.
Previously they did random checking on people's car and now on people's house?? I guess this had been overboard already! I really dont hope that our High Court would come out with such warran for them to do so!! As what I can say, this would violate Residents Privacy! Based on my point of view, I feel so threaten and dont have sense of security even at home.
Supposingly, HOME should be a peaceful place for all people. With such laws will actually make people feel insecure even at home. FBI also wont simply do raid or random searching on people's house right??
That is the reason why I said this piece of new is really RIDICULOUS!! They must be out of mind already !! If this would to be true, then I guess Badan Pencegah Rasuah (BPR) will have a even heavier work load!! Malaysia memang BOLEH in implementing all soughts of weird rules. We have a "visionary" view  and to be "creative" for the country.


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