Practicing yoga is like you're doing other sports. It's undeniable that yoga does contain the element of worshiping, but then I does not mean that you're worshiping to other gods or it will draw the muslim away from Allah.
I, myself a Yoga practicioner does not have any feeling that I'm "be one with god" (hindu god) because I only treat it as a workout/exercise. If they would say that those asanas (yoga postures) can draw them away from their original religion, can they prove anything out of it??
According to and said by Norhayati Kaprawi “I don’t think it has caused any Muslim to convert to Hinduism, neither has it weakened their faith. It’s just an exercise like qigong or taichi which has its roots in Buddhism.
I have a total agree on her statements!! I really had no idea why they would have the thought of saying Yoga is a threat for muslim. It's really out of their mind! The thing that they should concern about but they never pay any attention instead, they go care all the minor issues to make it big! This is very inefficient act of them to the country!! Now, Malaysia is feeling the recession and they should give more attention to bring US out from the recession!!!!! On top of that, I think they should concern on environmental issue more instead of this? I still can see many black and think smoke that came out from the busses; an unethical company still using that busses around Penang! Shouldn't they say something on it?? There are many people still open burning which causes all the global warming...why aren't they doing something on it?? By banning the muslims from Yoga could help anything to the country??? The answer is NO!!
I really dont know why they wanna BAN the muslim from yoga..... Cant they use a proper words such as " Muslim people are discourage from practicing yoga because....". I bet this looks better and more appropriate.
I really do not understand what's the threat, as I can see there are no threats to it. I was kind of disappointed to see this news. There are a lot of benefits for practicing yoga. Look at the yoga benefits here - Yoga Benefits.
If they would say that yoga asanas is a worshiping to hindu god, then there are a lot of things shouldn't be done by the muslims, right? (I'm not going into too details) So I would say that stopping the muslims from practicing yoga is a ridiculous and nonsensical stuff!!! Should give the muslims the freedom of doing what they like.
The wonderful asanas of Yoga:
Look at the marvelous can get all the benefist from all these postures, of cause there are many other postures that give you different type of benefits too. All of these postures help us in blood circulation and etc. I see no harm or threats for the muslims to practice Yoga for their health!!
p/s: For my own opinion, I guess someone's faithfulness/fear to god is depends on themselves!! There is no point for you to come out with many rules that people can take advantage on it; meaning people can break rules!
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