Date: 5-7 August 2008
Vanue: Laboratory (LB) 3
Hospital in charge: Hospital Sultan Abdul Halim, Sungai Petani, Kedah.
The first and the last time I donated my blood was May, last year. Actually, there was a Campaign in My college, but then I'm not qualified to donate because since the last date I donated my blood haven't reach 4 months. As for that, the medical officer rejected my application.
Today, I've successfully donated my blood and I'm happy and feel satisfied!! =D
After my lecture finished on 10.30am, I walked to LB3 to donate blood. I faced some problem in the beginning which was my blood pressure too high. I had a high blood pressure because I think I did run/jog, I'm not sure - perhaps I'm too nervous or anxious?? From what I know is that I could felt my heart beats and the blood was flowing to my head. That medical officer asked me to rest for a while before I take my blood pressure again.
As for that, I dare not do any major movement and I tried to reduces movement. From LB3, I slowly walked to canteen to find my friends and I bought Ribena to drink because it contains of glucose. Besides, I love Ribena a lot!!!
After drinking it, I slowly walked back to LB3 and went to that medical officer to examine my blood pressure again. This time, it was successful after I controlled my movement a lot. I dare not walk too fast and I fully control my feelings so that they wont increase my blood pressure.
After I've successfully went through blood pressure, I proceeded to blood checking. They have to check for my blood category simply by pricking on my finger to make the blood out of my finger. =D I was approved to donate 3oo cc of blood.
Later on, the Nurse from there past me a basket that contains a few stuffs. I took it to another nurse - drawing of blood begins here! First, the nurse apply pressure on my arm and they put some pressure on it. After that, she wipe my hand with alcohol swabs and spray something(to make me not to feel pain) on my hand. Then, she took that big needle to poke through my skin and I could felt the needle penetrating my skin - I felt a bit pain though.
this is how my hand looked like (my blood was flowing out of my hand)
After the pack was filled, they withdrawn some of my blood into a test tube so that they could check my blood. I was asked to lay down for 5 minutes, but there came a medical officer to check whether my wound had stop bleeding or not. Since my wound doesn't bleed anymore, he put a plaster on my hand and he told me that I could actually go if I do not feel dizzy.
I manage to went off within 2-3 minutes after resting on the bed.
When I'm going off, the First Aid Unit's people called me to claim a goody bag and cert that given by the hospital.
This is my cert that given by the hospital
It saves life when we donate the needy!!
1 comment:
tomolo got blood donation oso~
i think i will go for it !!
god, bless me .
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